Cuyabeno Part II
The Amazon at night

During my time in the jungle I had the chance to do two nightwalks with our guide, close to our lodge. At night, the Amazon sounds different, smells different and definitely looks different. I have to admit, not seeing any further than the beam of your flashlight and not knowing what kind of poisonous animal might be right next to you, adds a certain kind of thrill. I was able to get some shots of spiders, snakes, frogs and a scorpion. As I’m not a biologist I’m not really sure if any of these animals really could have been dangerous to me, but if I understood our guide correctly some of them weren’t that harmless, so I tried to keep my distance (as far as that’s possible if you wanna take a good picture but only have a 24 mm pancake lense with you). Some of the pictures you might have already seen in my gallerie Amazon Nightwalk.
A little heads up: If you ever go on a night walk in the jungle, don’t use a headlamp!!! Otherwise everything that can fly will fly right in your face and beliefe me, you don’t want that. So do yourself a favor and only use a flashlite. ;)
We also did multiple boat rides on the river during night. The night vision of our guide was just extraordinary. From the boat he was able to spot animals in a distance of 50-100 m in the trees and bushes on the shore of the river or in the water. Thanks to him we were able to see snakes hanging from the trees right over our heads and caimans just an arm’s length away from our boat.